Products From The Dead Sea~Jordan

Although called the “Dead Sea”, this sea and the whole region on its shores is very much alive. The Dead Sea lies 1,312 feet below sea level. It is the lowest point on earth and is one of the most saline lakes in the world.

It is mainly fed by the Holy Jordan River and is a terminal lake, which loses huge amounts of water by evaporation into the hot dry air.

This results in high concentration that is particularly rich in chloride salts of magnesium, potassium, calcium, bromine and many other important minerals.

Millions of people have known the uniqueness of the Dead Sea for centuries as a single source of health and beauty.This is the only place in the world with this particular combination of exclusive spa benefits.

Discoveries show that the ancient people visited the Dead Sea over 4000 years ago. King David, Herod, the Roman Emperor Vespasian and many of time's subsequent royal and wealthy travelers, have all made a point to treat themselves to the therapeutic and restorative properties of the Dead Sea. King Solomon made gifts of Dead Sea Salts to the Queen of Sheba.

Marc Anthony attempted to conquer the area for the legendary Queen Cleopatra, who sought its beautifying qualities.

The Dead Sea Therapy has proved itself to be of value in treating number of Dermatological, Rheumatologic and Pulmonary diseases especially psoriasis, Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and eczema.
As a health spa, the Dead Sea offers to patients an opportunity to treating various skin ailments.


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